Viktor Mikhailov​

The highest value for me is freedom and time, their loss cannot be compensated. I am peace-loving, but I can offend in a joke, I am idealistic and, probably, because of that I am overly principled, which sometimes strongly hinders the achievement of success. Competition is not always the engine of progress; sometimes its effect obscures and inhibits true development.

I love communicating with young people, I believe that a good teacher gets knowledge from the students themselves. If, as a young man, you did not participate in the change of an undesirable regime, then you either had a happy youth, or you missed it. Surely humanity deserves better. It’s everyone’s duty to participate in making it happen. Changing the world around you is important. Inaction is worse than failed initiatives. Philanthropy is not easy; once you decide to do it, you don’t have to expect dividends and gratitude. Unfortunately, some people think that you do it for a reason, and not just for ideological reasons. No need to prove otherwise – it’s a waste of time and an additional negative background in people’s perceptions. If you want to do good, you have to make sure that you bring it to the recipient. Help also requires professionalism. And you don’t have to be rich to do charity – it’s available to everyone.

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