Anahit Andreasyan​

Board member, chief financial officer of a manufacturing company​

The most important thing in a person is self-esteem. It is directly proportional to the dignity you see in others. I don’t like to be in the center of attention, I’d rather hide somewhere and do my job quietly. But the result of my work must be perfect and everyone must see it. Love is boundless trust and your most natural state. Happiness is always there, though often we don’t notice it. The quintessence of my happiness is my child. I am a big believer in the power and energy of our feelings in general. The power of my love was such a gigantic outburst into space that it came back to me many years later with the birth of a child. The power of my faith is so boundless that sometimes I think I am all-powerful. I, like a sorceress, can fulfill any wish I have, just by wanting it badly.

Logic is very important to me, all my thoughts and actions obey my logical chain. But I understand that there are many people who think in other categories – images, impulses, intuition. I am not given to that. In order to somehow come to terms with their actions, I have to construct the logic of their actions for myself. The funny thing is that the person with whom I have been living side by side for many years is also one of these people.

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